Unless you don't follow me (massive mistake), Gwennan, Sarah or Sairah on Instagram you must have noticed that we went on a cute little tour last Friday. Now I can hear your shock from here, but Friday? That was only a week ago Mel and you're posting about it already?!
I really did lose my blogging mojo, I was, and still am, in a constant routine of work, eat. eat, nap repeat. Trying to slot in seeing people, watch all the new films I wanna see and ya know, stay sane, blogging has had to take a back seat. But this day out with the blogging gals was exactly what I needed. And now I'm here to stay. Sorry.
Anyway, that's a story for another less photogenic post, so grab a cuppa and some cake cause this post is gonna be super photo heavy. Sorry, not sorry.

After we'd mosied round the nurseries we headed out, walked down the most photogenic street ever towards Sarahs car and drove over to Richmond Park. It was funny because we quickly realised that a) none of us knew where we were going and b) we'd all (apart from Sarah obvs) rather update our Twitter about what a grand day we were having rather than look for directions. But eventually after I misled and Gwennan got it right (not bitter at all) we ended up in a cute little car park parking under the shade ready for a walk around Isabella Plantation. Not gonna lie, I knew we were going there but had no idea what to expect - it was absolutely be-a-utiful.
Check out me taking a sly pic of old Gwennan trying to catch a busy bee on camera. So candid. Not as candid as me posing inside a tree, let's ignore my gut bursting out yeah? So dramatic. The best thing about being with bloggers (and I'm defo gonna write a post on this more) but is that 'Oi mate can you take a pic of me inside a tree' (which happened more than once...keep going down after this, such a tease) is completely acceptable. It makes good posing experience for when I finally get scouted to be on the runway.
(I'm such a natural beauty aren't I.... where I belong inside a tree.)
I really did lose my blogging mojo, I was, and still am, in a constant routine of work, eat. eat, nap repeat. Trying to slot in seeing people, watch all the new films I wanna see and ya know, stay sane, blogging has had to take a back seat. But this day out with the blogging gals was exactly what I needed. And now I'm here to stay. Sorry.
Anyway, that's a story for another less photogenic post, so grab a cuppa and some cake cause this post is gonna be super photo heavy. Sorry, not sorry.

Damn I love cacti. It's probably because it's the only plant I can keep alive. But we met up at Petersham Nurseries, me nursing a hangover after eating a McDonalds cheeseburger. First things first we grabbed some food and a coffee that made me feel like a giant. It's so great being around bloggers because none of us judged Sarah when she climbed on a chair to get the perfect picture of her quiche. (I am clearly not committed enough to my blog... or I would have fallen off in my delicate state and broke an arm). But Petersham Nurseries is the most photogenic place ever, swear we spent most of our time together exclaiming at how much we love the lighting. We picked the perfect day and luckily Gwennan was prepared and brought suncream or I would have left resembling a lobster.
After we'd mosied round the nurseries we headed out, walked down the most photogenic street ever towards Sarahs car and drove over to Richmond Park. It was funny because we quickly realised that a) none of us knew where we were going and b) we'd all (apart from Sarah obvs) rather update our Twitter about what a grand day we were having rather than look for directions. But eventually after I misled and Gwennan got it right (not bitter at all) we ended up in a cute little car park parking under the shade ready for a walk around Isabella Plantation. Not gonna lie, I knew we were going there but had no idea what to expect - it was absolutely be-a-utiful.
Check out me taking a sly pic of old Gwennan trying to catch a busy bee on camera. So candid. Not as candid as me posing inside a tree, let's ignore my gut bursting out yeah? So dramatic. The best thing about being with bloggers (and I'm defo gonna write a post on this more) but is that 'Oi mate can you take a pic of me inside a tree' (which happened more than once...keep going down after this, such a tease) is completely acceptable. It makes good posing experience for when I finally get scouted to be on the runway.

(I'm such a natural beauty aren't I.... where I belong inside a tree.)
I have so many more pictures I'll include in future posts so keep an eye out but honestly it was the loveliest day. We were so lucky with the weather but also so lucky with the company. It was so lovely to see Sarah, Sairah and Gwennan (and was supposed to be Hannah too but unfortunately she couldn't make it last minute) again and it's so nice that even though I don't see them at all regularly we just click back together like old friends. I already can't wait to see them again for something equally as fun and instagrammable.