I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth since last year. I've just been too busy setting up my brand new Bullet Journal!
If you saw my post last year about my Bullet Journal, you'll know I was all about using different colours for everything, making it pretty and colourful and obsessed with making it perfect. That's why it's taken me so long to get this post up tbh, it's still not finished but I realised I'd always be making improvements.
Anyway, shall we take a look inside?
First thing first, I've stayed with a Leuchtturm 1917 because they're perfect, and I've gone for green this year because I want to be Gwennan. I've also taken a big step, and made my BuJo black and white (and might throw some greyscale in) because tbh, I think it's gonna make it a lot easier. Last year I stopped filling stuff in because I didn't have the right pen at the right time and then I gave up. So this time I brought a ten pack of black pens, have one at work, one in my bag and several dotted around my room so that I always have one on hand.
And I think it's really gonna help.
So I've got my pretty generic start to the year pages, and some resolutions I want to achieve this year. I didn't want to do anything I couldn't see myself achieving, and wanted to try and make a few small changes as well. (ten points if you can spot the typo on this page I JUST saw right this second). I left some space as well so I can add more if I think of them later on in the year.
As you'll be aware if you've read my sleep walking post that I struggle with my sleep, and I've been to the sleep clinic already to try and sort that out this year. As such, I really wanted to carry on my tracking of sleep, and hopefully by the time it gets to December it'll all say 'Slept Through!'
Similarly I wanted to track my mood, to see how much my anxiety effects me. I've been struggling with feeling out of it a lot recently and on edge, and I thought if I tracked those days I could sync it up to what I did that day and see what effects me. Basically a mind doctor innit.
In theme with me trying to make 2018 the 'year of change', which iI know is cringe af, I found this really good book on my Kindle that sort of made it all seem 'doable'. The book contains 52 changes that can be broken down to one a week to make it all manageable. I've decided to give it a go, and written the first half in this part of the journal to keep a track of them. I also write them in each weekly but you'll see that later. The book is called '52 Small Changes: One Year to a Healthier Happier You' if you're interested.
Even my pics that I'm sticking in this year are black and white.
Thats a solid joke, it was pure coincidence and I messed up the page and I like to so.
I got a Kindle for Christmas to help make my 2 hour commutes slightly more bearable, and it's my aim this year to read 24 NEW books. I'm two weeks into January and I'm already on my third so I'm doing OK. I like having a track of all the ones I've read and also how much I liked them, which I'm also doing on Goodreads. (God I'm even making myself think I've got my sh*t together)
Here we are, this is my favourite spread of my whole Bullet Journal. I got the inspiration from a Facebook Bullet Journal group I'm part of and I absolutely love it. I'm trying to teach myself a lot of new things in 2018, and Duolingo is something I can do on the bus to and from work every day. Each box indicates a completed lesson, and the top right squares are fluency, each box is a %. I'm really looking forward to filling this page out and ya know, getting better at French.
There were a few things I wanted to complete which I didn't know if I'd be able to complete in the next 52 weeks. So for this I wanted to create a 100 things in 1001 days page, of long term goals that I can tick off as I go and transfer into Bujos to come. Because, unless you can't tell, I love a list. It's full of things from 'Make an Omelette' (because I cannot make one for the life of me, they always turn out as scrambled eggs) to 'Go to Oslo', silly things that will be fun to tick off to things I'll have to work at.
And then we get to the actual journal part of it. I have a monthly page for each month all together, which really helps me to plan my months ahead, remember birthdays, important dates, and in an ideal world, holidays. It makes me feel like I'm actually organised a head of time.
For my monthlys for January, I've chosen this layout on a double page spread. On the right my week is split into two columns, tasks and events, and lets me plan what I need to do, people to see and where I need to be. On the right is what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I messed up this week lol). Above it is the small change I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on for this week, and at the bottom is my water tracker. Each 'water droplet' stands for a litre of water. I drink a lot of water. Like excessively, and I kinda wanted to see how much excessively I drink. This doesn't include tea, coffee, coke etc, its just water and tbh it's mainly just what I drink at work.
And that's it for this year. I've also brought across a couple of pages from last year that I haven't photographed, including TV Series and Movie Tracker, Blog post Ideas and Measurements.
What do you think? What's in your Bullet Journal this year?
I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth since last year. I've just been too busy setting up my brand new Bullet Journal!
If you saw my post last year about my Bullet Journal, you'll know I was all about using different colours for everything, making it pretty and colourful and obsessed with making it perfect. That's why it's taken me so long to get this post up tbh, it's still not finished but I realised I'd always be making improvements.
Anyway, shall we take a look inside?
First thing first, I've stayed with a Leuchtturm 1917 because they're perfect, and I've gone for green this year because I want to be Gwennan. I've also taken a big step, and made my BuJo black and white (and might throw some greyscale in) because tbh, I think it's gonna make it a lot easier. Last year I stopped filling stuff in because I didn't have the right pen at the right time and then I gave up. So this time I brought a ten pack of black pens, have one at work, one in my bag and several dotted around my room so that I always have one on hand.
And I think it's really gonna help.
As you'll be aware if you've read my sleep walking post that I struggle with my sleep, and I've been to the sleep clinic already to try and sort that out this year. As such, I really wanted to carry on my tracking of sleep, and hopefully by the time it gets to December it'll all say 'Slept Through!'
Similarly I wanted to track my mood, to see how much my anxiety effects me. I've been struggling with feeling out of it a lot recently and on edge, and I thought if I tracked those days I could sync it up to what I did that day and see what effects me. Basically a mind doctor innit.
Even my pics that I'm sticking in this year are black and white.
Thats a solid joke, it was pure coincidence and I messed up the page and I like to so.
I got a Kindle for Christmas to help make my 2 hour commutes slightly more bearable, and it's my aim this year to read 24 NEW books. I'm two weeks into January and I'm already on my third so I'm doing OK. I like having a track of all the ones I've read and also how much I liked them, which I'm also doing on Goodreads. (God I'm even making myself think I've got my sh*t together)
Here we are, this is my favourite spread of my whole Bullet Journal. I got the inspiration from a Facebook Bullet Journal group I'm part of and I absolutely love it. I'm trying to teach myself a lot of new things in 2018, and Duolingo is something I can do on the bus to and from work every day. Each box indicates a completed lesson, and the top right squares are fluency, each box is a %. I'm really looking forward to filling this page out and ya know, getting better at French.
And then we get to the actual journal part of it. I have a monthly page for each month all together, which really helps me to plan my months ahead, remember birthdays, important dates, and in an ideal world, holidays. It makes me feel like I'm actually organised a head of time.
For my monthlys for January, I've chosen this layout on a double page spread. On the right my week is split into two columns, tasks and events, and lets me plan what I need to do, people to see and where I need to be. On the right is what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I messed up this week lol). Above it is the small change I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on for this week, and at the bottom is my water tracker. Each 'water droplet' stands for a litre of water. I drink a lot of water. Like excessively, and I kinda wanted to see how much excessively I drink. This doesn't include tea, coffee, coke etc, its just water and tbh it's mainly just what I drink at work.
And that's it for this year. I've also brought across a couple of pages from last year that I haven't photographed, including TV Series and Movie Tracker, Blog post Ideas and Measurements.
What do you think? What's in your Bullet Journal this year?