Happy Anniversary*

So I was planning on writing this post for my 2 year Melberryy Anniversary which was a while ago now (22nd February if you're interested), but I still wanted to mark it somehow.

To get it out there, I've not had a very good past 5 weeks. Lots of things around me seem to have started crumbling, I've had to deal with a lot of time on my hands (which is something I struggle with) and to top it off my MacBook finally bit the dust and Apple can't fix it because it's vintage. Hence the lack of posting on here, social media, life.

But anyway, I'm desperately trying to keep this post positive.

2 years ago now, I was still in my 'newbie' phase of writing a blog, blasting out introductory posts and taking part in all of the twitter chats I could get my hands on. Since moving to London back in July 2016 (jfc) this has all slipped a lot, and it's probably something to do with the lack of time and money not spent on a crowded tube train.

But starting a blog is what I like to call one of the miracles of my life, it's opened so many doors for me, made we realise something I love and taught me SO much. I've also managed to meet the worst people in my life aka The Squad, if I write much about them atm I'll cry so I'mma just link in to Gwennans emosh post here.

I also helped organise the BloggersPitP with these gals, met loads of other fab bloggers and worked with brands I'm very proud about. I've worked with the wonderful Talking Tables, who's props were used in this post (and were gonna be for a Valentines Post but hey, who needs technology to work these days) and helped the Squad with a surprise decorated barn for my 24th birthday.

I've learnt some stuff about HTML, SEO and Non follow and follow links. I've had the misfortune to learn what shadowbanning means, how to find out you've been shadowbanned and how to sulk about it. I've redesigned my blog, which is something I'm still working on to make it JUST how I want it (when I have a working laptop obvs), teaching myself things as I go along.

One of my New Years Resolutions this year was to decide on a direction for my blog and that's something I'm still working on. To be honest, I'm still trying to decide on a direction for my life. And that's OK.

Here's to another year.