(It's not morning, and if it was, there'd be nothing good about it, I'm sure...)
Now, I am no make up connoisseur. If I spend more than £10 on make up, it's a revolution. I've been taking my make up off before bed every day for a week now and I am impressed with myself. I am tight. And I like my bed. That's all there is too it really.
I wouldn't really think twice about leaving the house without make up, I just don't think I care enough. Which could be considered both a good and bad thing. I used to worry constantly about what people thought of me, what I looked like, and it was just too tiring. Nobody else cares or judges me if I go out without make up, and if they do, they're not the kind of people I want to spend any more time than necessary with.

I've never been what I would call a high maintenance girl. I only started getting my eyebrows waxed two years ago, I don't enjoy shopping (at. all.), only dye my hair if I fancy it/can be bothered and don't get particularly regular haircuts. But here I am, willing to share my day to day,if you can call it that) as maybe it'll help you with yours! On a budget!
So here we go....
2) Maybelline Superstay - Better Skin Foundation (10 Ivory)
This is one of my latest (what I would call) splurges. At £7.99 this was a lot for me, I normally just go for whats on offer haha. But so far it's doing well. It claims to give you better looking skin in just 3 weeks! I wouldn't say I have bad skin, but I have a few spots and bits and bobs, and my skin just always looks so... dull. It's only been 5 days that I've been using this, but I will do a review post after 3 weeks so I can let you all know if it lived up to expectations!
3) Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse (16 Vanilla)
I know that this one and the one above are both different foundations, and it's probably bad to use them together, but yolo right? I am not a make up buff by any standard, but double coverage can't be a bad thing? So I used the actually foundation first, and then use this one above as sort of like a powder. Putting this one is THE most satisfying feeling. It goes on as a mousse and turns into like a powder? It's incredible.
4) Barry M, Flawless Chisel Cheeks Contour Kit
As I've said a thousand times before, I am not good at make up. But I'm constantly amazed by the wonderful things that contouring can do. I am trying, step by step, to make more of an effort with my appearance so I thought I would invest* in a contouring kit. This Barry M one is faaabulous if you're a beginner! It comes with bronzer, highlighter and contourer, which is great for making your face look a bit chiseled heheh.
*by invest, I mean it was around £7, I can't quite remember!
5) Benefit - Brow Zings, light.
I'm sure most people reading this know about Brow Zings. I see it everywhere. And rightly so! It's incredible! Since I finally got my eyebrows waxed after near on a year, yeah they looked like caterpillars, it's made my eyebrows look so much better! You use the wax and the powder as you wish to evenly big up your eyebrows.
6) No. 7, Lovely Lashes
I really don't like mascara. I have very long eyelashes, naturally. I know this is something that will make most people sigh with envy, but as with everything there is always a flipside. Whenever I put on the slightest bit of mascara on it looks like I'm wearing fake eyelashes. If I had a quid for everytime someone asks me if I'm wearing fake lashes when I'm actually just sporting last nights, night out make up, I would be very rich. Whilst I can definitely see the upside to this it makes me worry that people think I'm very over-eyelashed for a trip to the shops. Add to this most mascaras seem to go clumpy on my eyelashes which again just makes it look like I've got fake ones on. But this mascara makes it look so natural! I get shocked at how long my eyelashes look and they just don't look like I've got anything on it! Finally a positive to long eyelashes!!
7) Benefit - High Beam
Finally, I just put this underneath my eyebrows and in the insides of my eyes. Obviously, not inside, You know what I meeeeaaaan. If I'm going out I also put a bit over my cheekbones, above the Barry M Highlighter.
And that's it!
(It's not morning, and if it was, there'd be nothing good about it, I'm sure...)
Now, I am no make up connoisseur. If I spend more than £10 on make up, it's a revolution. I've been taking my make up off before bed every day for a week now and I am impressed with myself. I am tight. And I like my bed. That's all there is too it really.
I wouldn't really think twice about leaving the house without make up, I just don't think I care enough. Which could be considered both a good and bad thing. I used to worry constantly about what people thought of me, what I looked like, and it was just too tiring. Nobody else cares or judges me if I go out without make up, and if they do, they're not the kind of people I want to spend any more time than necessary with.

I've never been what I would call a high maintenance girl. I only started getting my eyebrows waxed two years ago, I don't enjoy shopping (at. all.), only dye my hair if I fancy it/can be bothered and don't get particularly regular haircuts. But here I am, willing to share my day to day,if you can call it that) as maybe it'll help you with yours! On a budget!
So here we go....
1) No. 7, Beautiful Skin - Dry Skin Rescue.
My Mum got me this for Easter, and it's already made my skin SO much better. My face get so dry, it peels, feels like it's shrunk on my face and is just generally uncomfortable. I mean, I lasted in -28 and it wasn't this bad!! I put this on mainly my nose and nose 'sides' (??) as this is where it tends to get drier, in the morning and evening.2) Maybelline Superstay - Better Skin Foundation (10 Ivory)
This is one of my latest (what I would call) splurges. At £7.99 this was a lot for me, I normally just go for whats on offer haha. But so far it's doing well. It claims to give you better looking skin in just 3 weeks! I wouldn't say I have bad skin, but I have a few spots and bits and bobs, and my skin just always looks so... dull. It's only been 5 days that I've been using this, but I will do a review post after 3 weeks so I can let you all know if it lived up to expectations!
3) Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse (16 Vanilla)
I know that this one and the one above are both different foundations, and it's probably bad to use them together, but yolo right? I am not a make up buff by any standard, but double coverage can't be a bad thing? So I used the actually foundation first, and then use this one above as sort of like a powder. Putting this one is THE most satisfying feeling. It goes on as a mousse and turns into like a powder? It's incredible.
4) Barry M, Flawless Chisel Cheeks Contour Kit
As I've said a thousand times before, I am not good at make up. But I'm constantly amazed by the wonderful things that contouring can do. I am trying, step by step, to make more of an effort with my appearance so I thought I would invest* in a contouring kit. This Barry M one is faaabulous if you're a beginner! It comes with bronzer, highlighter and contourer, which is great for making your face look a bit chiseled heheh.
*by invest, I mean it was around £7, I can't quite remember!
5) Benefit - Brow Zings, light.
I'm sure most people reading this know about Brow Zings. I see it everywhere. And rightly so! It's incredible! Since I finally got my eyebrows waxed after near on a year, yeah they looked like caterpillars, it's made my eyebrows look so much better! You use the wax and the powder as you wish to evenly big up your eyebrows.
6) No. 7, Lovely Lashes
I really don't like mascara. I have very long eyelashes, naturally. I know this is something that will make most people sigh with envy, but as with everything there is always a flipside. Whenever I put on the slightest bit of mascara on it looks like I'm wearing fake eyelashes. If I had a quid for everytime someone asks me if I'm wearing fake lashes when I'm actually just sporting last nights, night out make up, I would be very rich. Whilst I can definitely see the upside to this it makes me worry that people think I'm very over-eyelashed for a trip to the shops. Add to this most mascaras seem to go clumpy on my eyelashes which again just makes it look like I've got fake ones on. But this mascara makes it look so natural! I get shocked at how long my eyelashes look and they just don't look like I've got anything on it! Finally a positive to long eyelashes!!
7) Benefit - High Beam
Finally, I just put this underneath my eyebrows and in the insides of my eyes. Obviously, not inside, You know what I meeeeaaaan. If I'm going out I also put a bit over my cheekbones, above the Barry M Highlighter.
And that's it!
That's me on an average day at work, when I get up in time to do some decent make up and remember my glasses!
What are your staple make up items?
barry m
brow zings
make up
number 7