Happy April guys!
Hope you all had some fun on April Fools Day, I managed to not only NOT get pranked (I'm really gullible so this is a big deal for me...) I managed to pull off a prank that was so believable, everyone thought it was true heeheheheh.
Anyway, seeing as March was my first full month of blogging (woohoo) I thought that I would do a post about things I'm hoping to achieve in April. My feeling behind this was, if it was on the world wide web, I would have to complete it, and hopefully this would inspire you guys too! So kind of a motivational post today, for you, and I.
- Blog at least 4 times a week.
I've been pretty good with blogging regularly recently. I don't do it every day but mostly every other day. but sometimes things come up and I just don't do it for ages. I guess the above should actually say, don't go for more than three days without blogging.
I can't believe we're a quarter of the way through 2016 already, WHAT is going on?!?!?!
Hope you all had some fun on April Fools Day, I managed to not only NOT get pranked (I'm really gullible so this is a big deal for me...) I managed to pull off a prank that was so believable, everyone thought it was true heeheheheh.
I'm so cheeky aren't I ;)
Anyway, seeing as March was my first full month of blogging (woohoo) I thought that I would do a post about things I'm hoping to achieve in April. My feeling behind this was, if it was on the world wide web, I would have to complete it, and hopefully this would inspire you guys too! So kind of a motivational post today, for you, and I.
- Blog at least 4 times a week.
I've been pretty good with blogging regularly recently. I don't do it every day but mostly every other day. but sometimes things come up and I just don't do it for ages. I guess the above should actually say, don't go for more than three days without blogging.
- Reach 2500 views.
I reached 1000 in a month, and now I'm up to just over 1300, so I think 1200 views is a pretty good goal for a month! I want to keep writing things that people find informative, like the post about being a graduate, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
- Plan an adventure
URGH. I'm just so stuck at the moment, I feel like I've got too comfortable and I have really itchy feet (both literally and non-literally...). If you've read any of my previous posts you will know that I was a holiday rep last Summer and Winter, and if I had chosen to do another summer I would be over in Lanzarote right now. Now, I'm not regretting that decision right now but it's weird to think I could be off in another country, interacting with people and sunning it up. So I just want to get out of the country for a couple of days. I'm very close to booking myself on the £15 return flights to Oslo or Stockholm for a couple of days and renting a BnB for just me and getting outttt. (Although if anyone wants to come with, hit me up eh)
- Do more exercise
OBVIOUSLY this one had to be on there. I'm walking 26 miles at the beginning of May and it's kind of hit me that it's next month and I should probably be doing some preparation for it. I do go spinning twice a week, but that's not really gonna help with walking so I'm probably going to start going for walks along the beach after work to get some practice in!
ALSO Side Note: I'm planning on vlogging my long walk in May as it's for charity and stuff, so let me know if you think that would be a good idea!!

- Be more motivated, positive and all round better.
I've got my first CBT session in April which should hopefully help me with a few issues I'm going through now. I'm also hoping on getting some results on a few other tests like my blood pressure machine which will fingers crossed give me more answers about me feeling crap all the time! I'm also applying for approx. 1000 jobs a week so trying to stay motivated with all this other stuff going on is really tiring! The above quote from Winnie the Pooh is one of my favourites ever, I just always need to remember that!
What are your goals for April?
I can't believe we're a quarter of the way through 2016 already, WHAT is going on?!?!?!