Life Update: July 2016

I wanted to write this post as a little bit of a warning to you guys, and also to make myself feel a bit better.

Basically, something really cool happened last Tuesday... I went and got a job in London. YAY! Cue me getting all excited as if you're a regular reader you know this is something I've been aiming for for quite a while. And it's here!

However, now the dust has settled on this wonderful news, I realised that this is quite a big thing. I start on the 5th, so am travelling up today to crash on a friends sofa until I find a place that can actually house me in London for the foreseeable future. Which was the worst part about going to Uni in London.

It also means I'm going to be leaving the my seven year old brother, again, which is always hard and he never makes it easier by being the cutest little fella I've ever met. And of course leaving the home comforts of not over paying for rent, not having to pay £150+ a month on travel and having a nice home cooked meal on the table every evening. I do love cooking though so I am excited to have a kitchen in when I can do some nice cooking posts, and introduce you to my cracking wedges (if I do say so myself).

But the most important reason I wanted to write this post for is what will happen to good old Melberryy world. Obviously, I want to keep this going - I love writing out and I love sitting down and feeling like I'm chatting to a friend. But over the next couple of weeks I can envision a slight lack of blog posts, I just think it will be unavoidable. I'm excited to have some fun with friends I haven't seen for a while and be busy in the big smoke again. And whilst I love my blog, I can't let that be a priority when I need to find somewhere to live haha.

But I love you guys lots, thank you for baring with me and keeping up with the posts! Follow me on Twitter for some more updates, and hopefully it won't be too long until I post again!