So we all know I've got my fabulous Blogger friends. These gals are the bomb, we talk pretty much every day and I think we've probably covered every subject matter.
For something that started as a chat to organised a blogging picnic and blogging advice it really has turned into proper filth - and we've even organised our first holiday together! Between me, Gwennan, Hannah, Nina, Sarah and Effi we've sent over 35,000 messages in 11 months....
I thought (as did the gals, 'cause of course they have to back every post I write) that it would be proper hilare to make a post of out of context messages we've sent in the last month... so here we go.
For something that started as a chat to organised a blogging picnic and blogging advice it really has turned into proper filth - and we've even organised our first holiday together! Between me, Gwennan, Hannah, Nina, Sarah and Effi we've sent over 35,000 messages in 11 months....
I thought (as did the gals, 'cause of course they have to back every post I write) that it would be proper hilare to make a post of out of context messages we've sent in the last month... so here we go.
What REALLY gets said in a Blogger WhatsApp chat

Mel (adj)
A twenty four year old Island girl, stumbling through life in London. Can often be found clutching a big bag of salted popcorn, trying to learn something new or dreaming about napping.Mel (noun)
To pull a Mel is to do something so spectacularly hilarious that it would make a brilliant movie not disimilar to Bridget Jones.
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