Cheap Date Ideas in London

Gonna start this post with a little bit of a shock announcement. Hold on to your horses here peeps. I don't like summer.

I know. I mean it's not that I don't like it, I get the whole 'it's nice to do things outside', but I also REALLY get the 'it's nice to snuggle up in bed all day and catch up with Love Island' thang. But as it's summer and I'm recently all relationshipped I try to remember that there are a lot of cute things you can do in London for very little money (other then get to third base on the Tube because it's so damn packed and sweaty) 

1. Take a picnic to Hyde Park 
Okay so slight disclaimer that this one isn't actually free. Although I guess it could be; you can take as much or as little food as you want, so go nuts. I had this cute one (arguably not with the boyf, but we did do this just much less picturable as it was just some Pringles) with some friends back in April. I took a load of stuff from Talking Tables to make it so much more picturesque. We all brought a bottle of bubbly (probably not actually the best idea looking back), some munch and all settled down on a Hammu Havlu rug. Many a boomerangs were made of the clinking of glasses, opening of prosecco and watched the Grand National in a very British setting.

2. Isabella Plantation
For somewhere cute to go for a walk that is a bit different, the Isabella Plantation is perfect. It's full of flowers, little coves of cute roses and it's right in the middle of Richmond Park. It's a bit of a trek, not gonna lie, especially if you're coming from East London (represent) but I think it's definitely worth it. It's perfect place for some candid photos, cute couple photos that boys always seem to hate and really nice to be all cute and lovey dovey. Something that I'm not at all skilled at.
I guess you could always take a picnic there too, but ya know, not about that repeating life am I.

3. Sky Garden
I don't know how more people don't know about Sky Garden. It's basically a really really really tall building right in the heart of Central London. You'd probably know it as the Walkie Talkie building, right next to the Gherkin where there are always fab shots of the best TV show in existence (The Apprentice). It's free to go in, booking is advised but not necessary, and you go up to the 34th floor for incredible views around London. There's a really nice bar and cafe inside that you can go and eat in, or you can go and peruse the 360 degree views. It is quite difficult to book for though, they release tickets two weeks in advance but they snap up well quick, especially at weekends, but keep your eye out. You can try book tickets here our you can just turn up on the day, but you may need to come back or wait a while. 

4. Emirates Airline
Let's fly awayyyyy. Lol. I wish my budget was big enough that I could recommend an Emirates flight as a 'cheap' thing to do on a date. I went on the cable cars in East London for my first date with the boyf, and it was proper cute. I'd been on it before, which I think I've actually written about before, but oh well. We went on it in the early evening in January, so of course it was pitch black. But it was still cute to go over the Thames in dark and see all the buildings lit up. I think it's about £3.50 for a return, and it goes from North Greenwich station (or Royal Victoria DLR, but who knows where that is if you're not from East London eh)

5. Greenwich Observatory
I don't know HOW after 5 years of living in London I only found out about this this year. There's this huuuge hill in Greenwich (weirdly) that is the perfect place for a boozy picnic, not so boozy picnic, to chill with a book or whatever floats your boat. Although, you should be warned, it is a PROPER TREK. But it is so worth it. This place gets proper busy in those sunny days but it is the perfect place to unwind. It is nearest either Cutty Sark DLR or Maze Hill train station, so go over there and treat your eyes to a proper good view.

I hope you enjoyed my list of cheap dates in London, is there any you think I've missed?
I'm always looking for cheap ideas of things to do, because hello, I live in London so never have any dollar - comment below if you know some!


  1. That view in the last photo omfg can we go plz?

    1. Eyyyy come and see me and I can show ya the sights ;)

  2. Mel, let's go on a London date <3
