Things I'm Loving At The Moment: August 2017

So I've never ever done of these before, but I think in writing one it qualifies me as a real blogger now... RIGHT?

I always really enjoy reading whats going on in other peoples lives, and I especially love reading the ever incredible Gwennan's Friday Favourites, so thought why not give it a go.

There's only one person who can give y'all into the life of this Captain Chaos, and that's ME.

Bullet Journalling
I am baaaaaaack. Yes I've fallen head first back into the pit of BuJoing, I'm addicted, it comes everywhere with me and I'm scrolling through Pinterest on the bus for inspiration. I'm currently trying to use it to meal plan and sort my podge out, and will probs do a post on that soon...ish, who knows with me really. I'm also going to give my weekly set up page a  bit of a reshuffle next week I believe, after searching through Pinterest I found a layout which looked mighty familiar... turns out it was Hannah's. Lolz. So I'm gonna be changing that around to fit into with my busy lifestyle - and by busy, I spend my evenings trying not to fall asleep as I force myself to get into Game of Thrones. Don't hate.

Now TV
So yeah, if you've ever spoken to/met/breathed in my presence you'll have been shocked about how little TV and film I've watched. In my last Bullet Journal post I said about how I had a list of films and TV I wanted to watch...yeah that's not gone well. At all. But Now TV are smashing it with the great deals atm, got a free trial of the TV and then it was only £3.50 per month, and now I'm on a free trial of films too. So I can watch new things!!! Become normal!! Or I can just watch reruns of Friends on Comedy Central and watch Bridesmaids for the 50,000000th time. Although I have got into Sex and the City again but I'm kinda scared to watch it as it sounds...not like a TV show.

The Tudors
I mean, okay, hear me out. I'm a bit obsessed at the moment. After a whole year and one month of living in the East Side of London (read: the best side) I finally enrolled myself in the library. I'm trying this whole new thing of trying to look all cultured and actually get a bit more clever at the moment, so where better to start? I really would love to take a History class, ya know if they didn't cost my entire monthly allowance for food, so I'm starting to read a bit more and try to retain stuff. I just wanna go back to studying. Sigh. Anyway, I went off on a tangent there. I just like fooling people on the train as I sit there and read 'The Private Life of the Tudors' so people might think that I'm intellectual. Little do they know I stood in dog poo on Sunday and somehow managed to get it up my leg.

Lets be honest, if you've popped over to Gwennans blog recently and seen her cracking new redesign, it's hard not to be inspired by it. I've been trying to get myself to learn HTML for a while, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. So whilst you read this wonderful post you may notice a few changes as slowly but surely I'm going to be fiddling around and changing a couple of things. Unless you're too busy crying with laughter at how hilarious I am. Either way, please don't judge me if you click on something and it doesn't quite work or something doesn't look right... I'm probably on it.

The Squad
This is a bit of an obvious one, but after we had a proper cute motivational chat this morning I had to mention them. Oh man, it's a month today until we go on our little holibobs and we get to insult each other in person. It really is fandabydozy having a group of lass' who can go from chatting about serious issues, to having a heated discussion about bath bombs. Stay tuned for another fun post about out of context things that get said in our WhatsApp... 'cause there's some corkers.

What are you loving this week?


  1. MEL! I bloody love this I hope you keep writing them (I think they're really fun reflections no?) Thanks for all the mentions and the soppy Whatsapp group love. ILY
