I know it's been a while and I inadvertadly took a whole month off from blogging, and I am sorry. From staying on friends sofas to moving into my own place and starting a new job it's been absolutely manic, and then I was really clever and left my iPhone on a train so I couldn't even blog on the train!
It's been really hard also getting back into the swing of writing after taking so long off, so I thought I'd get my blogging mojo re-kickstarted by doing a good old goals post. I really like writing these as they make me feel all inspired again, so here goes.

Also, in terms of Julys goals, I did sort my hair out and it's now back to normal-ish. It felt so good to finally get rid of the blue leftovers haha! I have also taken a huge step back in terms of blog views because I have discovered how hideously inaccurate blogger views are - last week one day had 2,000 views according to Blogger , I checked Google Analytics and I'd had 8. Slightly depressing but if it's more realistic it's a step I have to take ey.
Actually write some posts
This one is a bit of a joke but I actually want to get more than 3 posts published in the whole of August. I know it's not my fault but I'm actually really annoyed at how bad I did in July and it was constantly weighing on my shoulders. I had to keep reminding myself that blogging is something I do for fun and I shouldn't be feeling bad about having a busy 'real' life at the moment.
Actually use Pinterest & schedule tweets more
Again, this was on last months but I never really got round to it because I never actually wrote any posts...
Have an AWESOME time at Bloggers Picnic in the Park
Are you guys coming to our amazing picnic?! WHY NOT! There are still spaces available and I'm so excited to meet loads of new people. I'm joint organising it with some wonderful and hilarious girls, check out the link HERE for all the deets. I met up with the lovely Sarah last week and we found the most perfect spot, its so instagrammable and Pinteresty so it's going to be a beau-itful day.
Write some posts on different subjects
Bit weird but this month I want to branch out with my writing and try some new stuff to see how it works. This whole blogging thing for me is a bit experimental and I want to use it as a sort of opportunity to try out different subjects and styles, because, well, why not? I have a post about London life in the pipelines and also have a couple of interesting ideas in me old noggin so I'm interested to see how these pan out. I also recently guest posted on the wonderful Gwennans blog about Island life and all the differences between that and London which was quite funny (if I say so myself) so go check that out.
Have a bit of a redesign/sort out
I am not an organised person. Anyone who's met me will tell you that. But I do want to have a good old sort out of little Melberryy-land. I want to go through old posts and make sure all the links work and that all the pictures are the same. I also think I want a new theme, or to at least have a bit of a reshuffle. Basically, I think it needs refreshing.
I do have some other, more personal goals like get back into the BuJo life again (July was literally a month for abandoning things it appears), finally unpacking, save money/stop buying food I don't need cause I'm a fatty boom boom forevs, and plan something to look forward to. But I thought I'd make this a bit of a short and sweet blog goals post and also an apology for being a bit useless, but at the same time not apologising for taking a break.
Why are things so double crossed in that paragraph?!
I know it's been a while and I inadvertadly took a whole month off from blogging, and I am sorry. From staying on friends sofas to moving into my own place and starting a new job it's been absolutely manic, and then I was really clever and left my iPhone on a train so I couldn't even blog on the train!
It's been really hard also getting back into the swing of writing after taking so long off, so I thought I'd get my blogging mojo re-kickstarted by doing a good old goals post. I really like writing these as they make me feel all inspired again, so here goes.

Also, in terms of Julys goals, I did sort my hair out and it's now back to normal-ish. It felt so good to finally get rid of the blue leftovers haha! I have also taken a huge step back in terms of blog views because I have discovered how hideously inaccurate blogger views are - last week one day had 2,000 views according to Blogger , I checked Google Analytics and I'd had 8. Slightly depressing but if it's more realistic it's a step I have to take ey.
Actually write some posts
This one is a bit of a joke but I actually want to get more than 3 posts published in the whole of August. I know it's not my fault but I'm actually really annoyed at how bad I did in July and it was constantly weighing on my shoulders. I had to keep reminding myself that blogging is something I do for fun and I shouldn't be feeling bad about having a busy 'real' life at the moment.
Actually use Pinterest & schedule tweets more
Again, this was on last months but I never really got round to it because I never actually wrote any posts...
Have an AWESOME time at Bloggers Picnic in the Park
Are you guys coming to our amazing picnic?! WHY NOT! There are still spaces available and I'm so excited to meet loads of new people. I'm joint organising it with some wonderful and hilarious girls, check out the link HERE for all the deets. I met up with the lovely Sarah last week and we found the most perfect spot, its so instagrammable and Pinteresty so it's going to be a beau-itful day.
Write some posts on different subjects
Bit weird but this month I want to branch out with my writing and try some new stuff to see how it works. This whole blogging thing for me is a bit experimental and I want to use it as a sort of opportunity to try out different subjects and styles, because, well, why not? I have a post about London life in the pipelines and also have a couple of interesting ideas in me old noggin so I'm interested to see how these pan out. I also recently guest posted on the wonderful Gwennans blog about Island life and all the differences between that and London which was quite funny (if I say so myself) so go check that out.
Have a bit of a redesign/sort out
I am not an organised person. Anyone who's met me will tell you that. But I do want to have a good old sort out of little Melberryy-land. I want to go through old posts and make sure all the links work and that all the pictures are the same. I also think I want a new theme, or to at least have a bit of a reshuffle. Basically, I think it needs refreshing.
I do have some other, more personal goals like get back into the BuJo life again (July was literally a month for abandoning things it appears), finally unpacking, save money/stop buying food I don't need cause I'm a fatty boom boom forevs, and plan something to look forward to. But I thought I'd make this a bit of a short and sweet blog goals post and also an apology for being a bit useless, but at the same time not apologising for taking a break.
Why are things so double crossed in that paragraph?!
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Isle of Wight
life blogging
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