They're just so cute aren't they?
know so many people think that they're a waste of time, waste of money and just do not deserve all the publicity. And I couldn't disagree more.
They are so B R I T I S H aren't they?
There's a picture of me outside Buckingham Palace, aka my second home. This was before I went in for a quick Maccys with Liz, and chatted about my chance of becoming the next Queen.
I still remember the first time I saw Buckingham Palace, I went there with my family and my brother, who back then must have been about 5/6. He thought we were actually going to go inside because the flag was up, and was just annoyed because he didn't like tea. HEHEH.
ANYWAY, It's The Queens 90th birthday today, of course.
These photos are not mine, obviously.
What an absolutely incredible lady - even at 90 she's still walking around the crowd, speaking to loads of public and keeping a big old smile on her face. (I struggle with all of those and I'm only 22...)
I'm watching the BBC's coverage right now, and it's just making me feel so proud. Seeing so many people come together to celebrate one woman, and there's so many school children waving their flags and celebrating. Often people think that children, and indeed the whole of society, are so disjointed and don't stand for anything, stuck behind a facade of Facebook or how many likes you can get, but days like this but faith back in my heart. We are a wondrous nation.
I really wish I was in London to go and celebrate this day in the great capital, I went to a street party on the Island for the wedding of Wills and Kate, I've met Prince Edward and accidentally gave Princess Beatrice a static shock when I was putting her cloak in the cloakroom. I really do like the Royal Family. My Mum also met Princess Diana who told her to put on sunblock because she was turning in to a lobster. That's probably where I get my love of the Royal Family from.
I just think, in a world of such doom and gloom news most days, anything which can bring the country (as well as all the other countries who love us British) together and spread a little happiness should definitely be encouraged. And it's so historic as well of course, and The Queen is now the longest reigning monarch in Britain, which is amazing.
Anyway, all I want to know now is why isn't today a Bank Holiday!? Could've really done with a lie in hehe.
What do you think about the Royal Family?
*PS soz for any non-British people reading this post, but it's interesting for everyone right?* |
ANYWAY now I really want scones and tea. G'day!