Sleek Eyeshadow and Lipstick Review

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I really wanted to start trying a new daily lipstick.

Because I dyed my hair blue, and it's now turned black with my brown roots coming through making me look like a complete idiot (I should wear this all the time) it means that I think bright lipsticks wash me out. Even more than dark hair does. What a plank. So I wanted a natural lipstick that I could wear to work and just in general.

But alas, I hate shopping. I hate shopping for clothes. I hate shopping for make up.

I went into town with my Dad moaning about all of this and he said he would treat me to a bit of make up - he knows how much I hate it and said he'd help me decide. He may did regret of regretted this as in total, we spent about an hour trooping through the aisles of Boots trying on lipsticks and eyeshadows, seeing what lipsticks went with eyeshadows and vice versa.

Oh la la.

And we settled on two from the Sleek range - and I'm genuinely so impressed.  I'm just a newbie so don't know too much about pigmentation and I still rub my eyes like an idiot when I'm stressed or tired. But maybe that's the kind of review that might actually be useful? Would to me!

First to the eyeshadow. I went with the All Night Long which was £8.99 from Boots. I chose this cause I wanted quite a neutral shade - this gurl ain't ready for purple eyeshadow yet! 

I also chose this palette because it wasn't just full of glittery eyeshadows. It has non-glittery (there is probably a make up enthusiasts actual word for this) shadows for when I'm not feeling particularly sassy. I love putting the darker colours in the indent to my lid, it makes my eyes look bigger, woo. I have annoyingly bright, pale blue eyes and the colours don't make it look too contrasting, which is something I've always worried about. It also blends really well, I guess this is where pigmentation comes in to play? Also, and most importantly, it has really cool names, which I have just discovered are all alcoholic drinks; from Prosecco, Champagne to Martini and Manhattan!

(Why did no one tell me lipsticks are so hard to photograph?)

I also brought the Sleek 'Barely There' lipstick which was on offer at Boots, think it was about £6. I'm so glad I took the photo of this when I did, as the day after I brought it, this beautiful, crisp, smooth looking lipstick went through the washing machine. It's not looking so fresh anymore. 

The colour is a lovely natural colour, it is quite peachy so it sort of blends in to my lips - does that make sense? My main issue with this lipstick is that it really shows that my lips are in a bad way. I get really dry lips (no idea why, I drink gallons of water a day) and the lipstick just seems to show that up. I guess all lipsticks probably do unless they're like a gloss. It's got great lasting power though! I would put it on in the morning for work and when I get home it is still on, again after drinking a lorra lorra water. 

Overall my first impressions of the Sleek make up range are brilliant! They are non-expensive easy to find drugstore make up brands, if they stock it in a Boots on the Isle of Wight I'm sure they stock it in most Boots haha! I would definitely recommend giving it a go, they have so many different palletes and shades of lipstick.

Have you ever used Sleek make up? What did you think?


  1. I love sleek makeup although they aren't as easily accessible in NZ as they are in the UK. I haven't tried either of these products but the palette looks amazing :)

    1. Ah that's annoying! Yeah I love that they're affordable but still of great quality! The pallette is so good!

      Thanks for commenting xxx

  2. I love sleek make up! I've not yet tried these products but that palette looks beautiful! I love the shades it has in it!

    Good post lovely!
    Rachel, X

    1. I love that they're affordable and great quality! Would definitely recommend the pallette it has such pretty autumnal shades!

      Thank you and thanks for commenting :) xxx
