14 Things I Did in 2017


5 Goals for 2018

New Year, New Me

Things I've Sleep-Text This Year

The Darker Reality of Living in London

Self Care in Autumn

101th Post: 50 Things I Want to Do Before I'm 100

Am I a Real Londoner Now?

Things I've Discovered This Year

The Perfect Environment to Chill with Strangers with Talking Tables

Why Having a Little Brother Was The Best Thing That Could've Happened to Me.

Making a Blogger Friendship Group

Using my Bullet Journal to track my Health

Why do we continue to tear down our own confidence?

8 Things I Learnt When I Ran Out of Data

Messages you'd find in a Bloggers WhatsApp group #2

Are We Living Through Our Screens?

Photo Diary: Disney World

Things I'm Loving At The Moment: August 2017

Cheap Date Ideas in London

What REALLY gets said in a Blogger WhatsApp chat

Bullet Journal Take Two